2019 Healthcare Coverage – The End of Open Enrollment
The End of 2019 Open Enrollment is Approaching.
All Californians can sign up during open enrollment, which begins Oct. 15, 2018, and continues through Jan. 15, 2019. Many others may be eligible to sign up at any time during the year due to a life-changing event such as getting married, having a child or moving. Medi-Cal enrollment is year-round, as well.
Please contact me if you are currently without health insurance for whatever reason. Your opportunity to secure coverage for this year will end on January 15. As we all know, the failure to secure health insurance can lead to substantial government penalties.
Health Coverage can be more affordable than you think! There are subsidies available for those with low income, recent job losses, etc. Lets work together to get you covered for the New Year.
Please call us if you have any questions or for help choosing a new plan.
You can reach me at 925-552-7077 Office or 925-785-1161 Mobile.