Life Insurance

Find the right life insurance coverage for you

Why invest in Life Insurance ?

Financial Security

Life insurance offers a safety net for loved ones, covering expenses like funeral costs, debts, and ongoing living expenses after your death.

Cash Value Growth

Selected policies accumulate cash value over time, providing a savings component that can be accessed for emergencies or retirement.

Tax advantages

Death benefits are typically paid out tax-free, and cash value growth is tax-deferred, offering tax-efficient wealth transfer and supplemental retirement income options.

Life Insurance Plans

We provide products from top-rated and competitively priced life insurance carriers in the industry.

  • Whole life insurance provides lifelong coverage with level premiums, ensuring that your policy remains in force regardless of changes in health or age. It builds cash value over time, which you can access through withdrawals or loans for various financial needs. This type of policy offers both a death benefit to your beneficiaries and a savings component, providing financial security and flexibility throughout your lifetime.

  • Term life insurance offers coverage for a specific period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years, with premiums usually lower than those of whole life insurance. It provides a death benefit to your beneficiaries if you die within the term of the policy, but it does not build cash value like whole life insurance does. Term life insurance is often chosen for its affordability and simplicity, making it a practical option for covering specific financial obligations, such as a mortgage or college tuition, during a set period of time.

Start the conversation today

Connect with us hassle-free! Discover, like many others have, that at Bernal Insurance Agency, maintaining the good in your life is not only smart but also effortlessly easy. Your questions matter, and there's no pressure – let's begin a conversation that puts your peace of mind first.